Timeline: 2020
The census recorded 28,675 Black residents in Champaign County.
June 24: The Board of Education of Champaign Community School District adopts a Resolution to declare racism a public health crisis and to commit “to establishing, supporting and sustaining a culture of anti-racism district-wide.”
Bristol Place was completed with 90 units of single standing and townhouses for mixed income housing. It replaced the 130 year old Bristol Park neighborhood of 82 single family homes judged to be functionally obsolete; and is located at between Market Street and the IC Railroad tracks, above Bradley Street.
A committee of local organizations, leaders, and educators—led by Co-Chairs Barbara Suggs Mason and Angela Rivers, and supported by the Experience Champaign-Urbana Foundation—began working on a large-scale project to educate residents and visitors about African American history, culture, and contributions. The project would become the Champaign County African American Heritage Trail. The Trail’s logo was designed by Marcus Flinn.
September 17 – The adoption of an agreement between the City of Urbana Police Department and the NAACP of Champaign County of the Ten Shared Principles for Building Trust was signed.