Timeline: 1895
William Walter Smith, son of Civil War veteran and farmer George Smith, graduated from Homer High School.
July 22: “At a meeting at Bethel A. M. E. Church in Champaign, a permanent organization was created to celebrate Emancipation Day on September 23. Edward Ballenger was President, Albert Lee was Secretary, and George Roley was Corresponding Secretary.” Champaign County News, July 2, 1895, page 1. The Emancipation Celebrations continued through the early 1920s.
August: “At a meeting held Aug. 2 the following person were working on the Emancipation Day celebration. E. D. Ballinger, Robert English, G. C. Lee and John Posey, executive board. Chairmen of committees: Will Lewis, John McLain, Oscar Morgan, John Baxter, Ed Gray, William Brewer and Rev. William Helms. Albert Lee is secretary and George Riley corresponding secretary. Speaker of the day was Hon. Joseph G. Cannon.” Champaign County News, August 10, 1895, page 12.