Timeline: 1874
January 1: Emancipation Proclamation was celebrated with a mixed race crowd. Reported January 7, 1874, page 1
May 27: A brass band is organized. Champaign County Gazette, page 6
“It was rumored that some wicked parties endeavored to apply the incendiary torch to the colored Baptist church, Thursday night last, and that the fire being perceived in time by the night policemen and promptly extinguished, alone prevented a conflagration.” Champaign County Gazette, Wednesday, May 13, 1874, page 1
“Destruction of the Colored Baptist Church (Salem Baptist Church) by Fire. The fire was arson. The night watchman fell asleep. The building was insured.” Champaign County Gazette, May 20, 1874, page 1
June 10: “Methodist and Baptist congregations meet together in a temporary church building on Neil Street (the Baptist church burned).” June 10, 1874, page 1.
Albert R. Lee was born on a farm near Champaign, IL, on June 26, 1874.
August 5: “The Masons of the Lone Star lodge will install their officers in the room in the third story over D. Gardner Company’s Bank, this evening. Mr. B. F. Rogers, a high dignitary in the Prince Hall Order, will conducted the ceremonies.” Champaign County Gazette, August 5, 1874, page 1
September 22: “The celebration of the passage of the XV amendment was held.” Champaign County Gazette Sept 16, 1874, page 6
“Trial of Henry Vincent for burning of the Colored Baptist Church (Salem Baptist Church) in Champaign continued until next term.” Champaign County Gazette, Wed. Oct. 21, 1874, page 6